29 april 2021
Svobodny Sokol works on second stage for ductilie iron piles certification
“Based on foreign experience, taking into account a number of advantages of ductile iron piles, their application allows the customer to save about 15-25% of funds in comparison with other types of piles, but in Russia such data has yet to be confirmed,” says Boris Antonov, Deputy General Director for new markets. Based on the tests already carried out, the specialists of the NIIOSP by. N.M. Gersevanov, express an unambiguous opinion: "Pile pipes (from ductile iron - approx.) Can find their niche in the application in construction."
Svobodny Sokol works on second stage for ductilie iron piles certification

Svobodny Sokol is testing ductile iron pipes. This production is a totally new and unique for Russian Federation market. In order to provide the appearance of ductile iron piles by Svobodny Sokol on the market a series of tests is needed. It will become a base for technical and design documentation to be included in existes national constructing document base.
Right now a series of diffent tests are being held on the territory of Svobodny Sokol in Lipetsk. The test program was mabe by Svobodny Sokol and Gersevanov Research Institute of Bases and Underground Structures named after N.M. Gersevanov (NIIOSP). In accordance with the programm this stage includes three different test on loads: pushin, pulling and horizontal.

The result will succeed in the Report of the Insitute that will become a base for additional information and data for в СП 24.13330.2011 СВОД ПРАВИЛ СВАЙНЫЕ ФУНДАМЕНТЫ (Set of Rules of the Russian Federation 24.13330.2011). It will allow the design organisations to use ductile iron piles by Svobodny Sokol in the construction sphere.
A great number of projects with ductile iron piles in Austria, Germany, Portugal, Spain and other European countries admits the fact that this technical decision is a reliable one. The places where the soil is unstable the ductile iron pile usage is the best and the most reliable decision. But in Russia there are no ductile iron piles because of the absence of documentation.

“Based on foreign experience, taking into account a number of advantages of ductile iron piles, their application allows the customer to save about 15-25% of funds in comparison with other types of piles, but in Russia such data has yet to be confirmed,” says Boris Antonov, Deputy General Director for new markets. Based on the tests already carried out, the specialists of the NIIOSP by. N.M. Gersevanov, express an unambiguous opinion: "Pile pipes (from ductile iron - approx.) Can find their niche in the application in construction."
Lipetsk Pipe Company "Svobodny Sokol" is included in the list of backbone organizations and is a leading manufacturer in Russia and the CIS countries of pipes and fittings for them from ductile iron with spheroidal graphite DN 80 to 1000 mm, as well as the largest supplier of pipe products for drinking water supply and sanitation sectors to 22 countries of the world. The company's share in the Russian market for pipes for utilities in the housing and utilities sector is 25%.
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