Ductile iron pipes by Svobodny Sokol are used during construction of the hospital in Moscow

Construction of a new infectious diseases hospital, which will become an additional hospital for Infectious diseases hospital No. 1 and a complex in Kommunarka, has been constructing for several days in New Moscow. The construction of the hospital was started due to the threat of the spread of the coronavirus and should be completed in record time. Special emphasis was placed on the security of the hospital. "There are no large residential complexes in this area. The nearest individual residential buildings are located 250 meters from the future hospital, which is 2.5 times more than the required sanitation zone , - said Moscow mayor Sergei Sobyanin in his blog. - And I guarantee that it will not threat any danger to local residents."
That is why pipes made of ductile iron were chosen for the construction of the hospital, which is produced by the only company in Russia - "Svobodny Sokol". Ductile iron pipes are characterized by the lowest failure rate, high resistance to corrosion and great mechanical characteristics. In addition, it is guaranteed to ensure the ecological safety and compliance with safety standards of the liquid. From Lipetsk, 2.7 km of ductile iron pipes were supplied 250 RJ and 2.3 km 100 RJ for the new infectious diseases hospital . The construction of Rj joints makes it easy and fast to install pipes. This does not require any special conditions, additional equipment, electricity or special skills of workers. And this is extremely important when carrying out work on such a responsible object. The logistics of the future hospital is designed in details: "An external perimeter fence and security will be created around the hospital building," Sergei Sobyanin said. - Sewage will be transferred to autonomous treatment plants facilities equipped with decontamination systems."
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