Svobodny sokol and Moldova work together to make the country better

In the Moldovan pipe market, products from ductile iron with spheroidal graphite (Ductile iron) are in great demand. Ductile iron pipes are high quality, durability and reliability. The choice of the manufacturer is also very significant. They choose pipes from the ductile iron pipe of the Lipetsk pipe company "Svobodny sokol".
The population of Moldova is a little bit more than 3.5 million people. Despite this factor people in Moldova are provided with pure water. Reliable and high-quality pipelines for water supply and sanitation are the guarantee of supplying the population with clean and safe drinking water, as well as industrial and domestic waters without leaks and infiltration of harmful substances and compounds in the soil.
Great number of countries all over the world choose ductile iron pipes because this material includes reliability, high strength, corrosion resistance little rate failure and an average life cycle more than 100 years. More than that ductile iron pipes are ecologically friendly.
Moldavian scientists are well aware of all these qualities. At the Technical University of Moldova, the Faculty of Urban Planning and Architecture has a special department for heat, water, gas supply and environmental protection. There, scientific research is conducted in order to study the properties of ductile iron, issues of design and construction of utilities using high-strength cast iron pressure pipes are developed.
Representatives of the Svobodny Sokol Pipe Company visited the Republic of Moldova on business visits - negotiated with potential customers and scientists from the Technical University. The Russian producer of ductile iron pipes in Moldova is S.A. Coloana Mecanizata de constructii - shows an increase in interest in pipe products from Russia.
The director of the Moldovan distributor, Elena Agake, explains the fact that the pipes and fittings of the adhesive type “Svobodny sokol” fully comply with the highest quality standards, and also has all the necessary certificates of conformity corresponding to the general level.
“It is really easy for us to work with the products of LTK Svobodny Sokol,” Elena Agache emphasizes. - The builders of engineering networks in Moldova have already managed to evaluate its excellent operational characteristics, ease of installation. Lipetsk pipes are very attractive at a price with a guarantee of high quality. Their use in laying water pipes is, without a doubt, a competent investment in the creation of communal facilities. The course is precisely on such a city-planning policy. ”
During the business program held in Chisinau, a series of negotiations were held and agreements were reached on further deliveries of adhesive pipes from ductile iron for laying water supply networks in Moldova. Currently, LTK Svobodny Sokol products are participating in several tenders for the procurement of materials for the construction of water supply and sanitation systems.
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